How do I resize the review widget for my website?

Amend the variables nr_width and nr_height within the Javascript code to change the size of the review widget. For responsive websites we recommend setting the width to '100%' and the height to 545.

Can I change the button colour?

Yes you can! Just add the following line into your javascript code (underneath the existing variables just before the first closing </script>)

var nr_buttonCol = "df4a32";

To find the perfect hex colour value for your website check out www.color-hex.com

Is it possible to make the review widget transparent so my website background colour shows through?

Yes, just add the following line into your javascript code (underneath the existing variables just before the first closing </script>)

var nr_transparency = true;

Set this to true for transparency, or false for the standard white widget background.

How can I display the widget on a secure (HTTPS) website?

You need to make sure you are using the secure version of the widget code which starts HTTPS. If you already have the non-secure version of the code please amend the final line in the Javascript code to:

<script language='javascript1.1' src='https://www.googlereviewwidget.com/google-review-code/googlereviews_ssl.js'></script>

Everything else in the code can stay the same.

Does the widget have to be displayed within an iframe?

The widget is generated on our servers and displayed on your website via an iframe. We are working on a solution which allows you to embed the widget code directly on your website without an iframe and style it however you like, so watch this space! If you would like to be kept up to date with future developments please create your free Google Review Widget here and enter your email address to receive emails from us.

Can the widget display more than 5 reviews at a time?

We obtain your business data directly from Google's servers via their API, and at this time their API only returns 5 of your most 'useful' reviews (according to Google). Because of this we are restricted to only showing 5 reviews within the widget, but if Google's API starts returning more reviews we will start including them. More information on the Google Places API can be found at https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/details

Can I Create More Than One Review Widget For My Business?

Each review widget is assigned to a unique email address. You may create more than one review widget via seperate email addresses if you wish (ie. for different business locations).

How Do I Unsubscribe From Your Mailing List?

Please visit this link to unsubscribe.

Disclaimer: The Google Review Widget has been developed independently by NetRite Ltd and is no way endorsed by Google. The 'powered by Google' logo is the registered trademark of Google and is displayed in accordance with the terms of the Google Places API.

© 2016 Netrite. Company No: 07750886 Registered in England. Head Office: NetRite Ltd, 8 Christow Road, Exeter, EX2 8QP, United Kingdom